Durham Report On Trump Russia Probe Origins Released




Read The Full Report http://txccr.com/dt the long-awaited Durham report four years later has finally been released special counsel John Durham found that the Department of Justice and the FBI quote failed to uphold their mission and never should have launched the trump-russia investigation David spunt is standing by to break this down and then we'll dig into it here hi David hi Martha hi everyone literally four years actually four years in two days May 13 2019 that is when John Durham then U.S attorney in Connecticut was tapped to look at the origins of the Trump Russia probe he wrote today in his 306-page report that the findings are sobering there's one big theme here that the Hillary Clinton campaign was treated much differently than the Donald Trump campaign I want to pull out one important quote here again this is one of many he wrote We conclude that the department and the FBI failed to uphold their important mission of strict Fidelity to the law in connection with certain events and activities described in this report end quote now first we have to go back to the years 2016-2017. the primary focus of this report now the overarching theme as I say Durham says the FBI rushed an investigation called Crossfire hurricane without the proper basis Crossfire hurricane is the umbrella name for the investigation into alleged connections between the Trump campaign and Russia now Durham took two cases to trial over the past four years he lost them both the first Michael Sussman a cyber lawyer with ties to the Clinton campaign the other Igor danchenko a Russian intelligence operative who helped craft that Infamous steel dossier full of salacious allegations about then candidate Donald Trump Kevin kleinsmith was a former FBI attorney he actually pleaded guilty to altering a document used to surveil a trump campaign Aid now the FBI was then under the leadership of Jim Comey it's changed many times since then several layers of leadership the FBI putting out a statement today had those reforms been in place since 2016 the missteps identified in the report could have been prevented this report reinforces the importance of ensuring the FBI continues to do its work with the rigor objectivity and professionalism the American people deserve and rightly expect now President Biden's attorney general mayor Garland received Martha this Durham report on Friday looked at it over the weekend gave it today to Congress and transmitted it to the public without making any changes so it's the way Durham wants it to be to the public Martha all right David spunt thank you very much well uh this has been as David said four years and millions of dollars in the making and in just the first few pages you




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